Thursday, December 30, 2010


This blog is a continuation of :

To keep the story in sequential order (as in a book), from here on down the order of posts is from top to bottom.

From here on up, the posts will be from bottom to top (like most blogger posts)

New Posts Below

I change the published dates of posts in order to keep a top to bottom order. There are some new posts below in case you have missed them.

Happy New Year!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Theories & Conclusions Regarding This Phenomena

I have never been able to come to many conclusions regarding this phenomena. This is partially due to my strong skeptical side. Sometimes I have just wanted all this to go away, leave me alone, and let me live an ordinary life. This is apparently not meant to be, because my life has been far from the ordinary and it is getting further from the ordinary every day!

One thing is for sure, my whole physiology changes in the winter time and it coincides with the winter solstice like clockwork every year. First I begin to wake up after 4-6 hours of sleep and I cannot get back to sleep. This problem continues with me until spring. From about the middle of may through late October I sleep 8-9 hours and even have to fight from sleeping too much.

When I ask myself: Why is this? The only possible answer is that I am sensitive to whatever energetic occurs as the December solstice sun become closer in alignment to the Galactic Center. I become extremely energized which is great, but since I do not get adequate sleep I am tired and wired at the same time and this can be a real problem at times.

Then I ask myself: Why am I sensitive to this energy? Why does it affect me so profoundly? The only possible answer I can come up with goes back to my spiritual death experience in 1977. Afterward I drew an accurate symbol of the Galactic Center. It was as if I went there and when I came back I was never the same. This was an extremely profound initiatory experience that opened me up to possibilities and potentials that are not commonly taught. Why did this happen to me? It certainly was not my choice, so in a sense I was chosen. Why I do not know. Maybe it is because I am special and unique... you know...just like everybody else! : ^)

Why this happened really is not important. What is important is: What can I do with what I have learned in order to be of service? My only answer to that question is to share my story and perhaps other pieces of the puzzle will come from the readers of this blog who have had similar experiences.

I would like to open this exploration with my first question:

Are there higher forces operating around us at all times? In other words, is there a higher power that can intercede in our lives to change it for the better?

Before I continue with this I want to share a quote from the writings of Carlos Castaneda. Carlos had a Shaman teacher who once said to him: “Sometimes we think we are making a decision that is our own; but in reality, we really do not know if we are merely acquiescing to a higher authority”

I have had some very direct experiences with this. Back in my wilder days I used to love driving in the most challenging winter conditions and I would often push my poor car past it’s limits. One night I was going about 90 mph down a country road that I was very familiar with when I hit a patch of ice while coming out of a corner. My car began to fishtail wildly. No matter how hard I tried to gain control by steering I just could not gain control. Suddenly a voice or actually it was more like a silent command told me : Just let go! I quite automatically let go ( I acquiesced to a higher authority). When I did, it was as if everything happened in slow motion. My car went deep into a snowy ditch and over a rise which sent me airborne right into some brush which brought me to a perfect stop 3 feet away from a large tree. There was absolutely no damage done to the car at all!

If that voice or command, or whatever it was, did not intercede, I could easily have continued fighting with the wheel, rolled the car, and could have easily been seriously injured or killed.

There is no way that letting go of the wheel was my idea. The only explanation I have is that I was open enough to allow a higher power to move through me and take over.

My second question: Is it possible that all things are being orchestrated by a higher power/intelligence? If so, then this certainly would explain synchronicity i.e. meaningful coincidence. I honestly do not think that all of my decisions and actions are being orchestrated by a higher authority, but I suspect that many times they are. I had no intention of continuing this blog on 12/21/2010 and yet I woke up earlier than I ever wanted to, feeling that it was time to move forward with this.

I am sure that some people are inclined to think that I did this intentionally and that my mind filters everything else out with the exception of these numbers and coincidences. Now I cannot honestly rule this out as this probably does happen to a certain degree, but it cannot possibly explain everything!

The rational mind likes to explain things so that it can maintain it’s illusory sense of ultimate control. Nothing wrong with that, except far too many people never venture beyond the rational mind’s limitations. Susan Gregg one quoted “ The mind is a wonderful tool but a terrible master” and I agree with this whole-heartedly. The mind cannot possibly explain ANYTHING beyond its limitations. When it tries to do so, it is merely trying to fit infinity into a finite box and that simply cannot be done!

If all things are orchestrated by a higher power then how could there be such things as crime, war, famine, disasters, etc? How could people create such un-godlike things? My answer to this is: If people are disconnected from “the source” they essentially become incapable of cooperating intelligently with the source, so they become more than capable of creating what no one in their right mind wants.

I think the next crucial step in our evolution is to connect with this higher source and learn to cooperate with it in an intelligent manner. It is apparent that most of humanity is not well aligned with this source, and they are they are not quite able to cooperate intelligently with it. I am in no way saying that I have mastered this, but I have had enough experience with it to know that amazing things can happen when this “cooperative association” is fully engaged. More on this later.

So the next question becomes: How do we cooperate intelligently with “source”? First I think it is important to be able to recognize when it is in action. So how do we do that? I think that recognizing synchronicities in your life is a good first step. When you have trained yourself to recognize them on a daily basis you will automatically begin to develop a “cooperative association” with the it.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Connecting to "Source" 12/23/10 Post

Is there such a thing as being disconnected from the source? I believe “ separation” is a very grand illusion, probably one of the biggest lies ever told.

“Only in the mind does the inseparable become separate.”

If we were truly separated from source we would not be alive! We are connected to the sun, the earth, and the plants through the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the light that we see. Disconnect from either one of these and your life as you know it now could not exist.

We just think we are disconnected from source because we are always busy looking away from it. We are distracted from it, and it is the programming in our own mind that responsible for it.

We separate things as Good or Bad, God vs. Not-God, White vs. Black, and then we get into arguments about who is right, who is wrong, what this is, and what that is not, and we take ourselves so seriously that we will kill or be killed in the insane pursuit of righteousness. We are one button-push away from complete and utter devastation. Would we be like this if we could clearly see, feel, touch and even taste our connection and communicate intelligently with it?

How different would life on earth be if our childhood domestication did not sever our attention from the infinite intelligence that is all around us at all times? How would we treat each other if we were fully aware that we are all connected and interdependent with each other?

What if?:

“God creates the reality of the human through the human”?

What is life like on a planet full of humans like who are not aware of this? Just watch the news and you will see examples of it on every channel!

We were created, therefore, we are creation in motion. We are creators with a potential that we have not even imagined yet! Our ancient ancestors did some incredible things; some of which cannot be explained by the greatest minds on earth. How did they do these things that modern man cannot realistically explain? My only answer to this is they were CONNECTED to source in a way that we ARE NOT!

So how do we develop a powerful communication with the source? If the saying: “Synchronicity is god’s way of performing miracles anonymously” is true, then I think a good first step is recognizing when these things occur in our life. It has been my experience and the experience of others who have been opened up to this phenomena that expressing gratitude for these “signs” causes an increase in their appearance.

UFO in my neighborhood!

What are the odds that a large pyramidal UFO was sighted in my neighborhood on 12/21/2008?

Minnesota Sighting Reports
United States Report Posted: December 22, 2008
Date: December 21, 2008 Time: 3:20 p.m.
Location of Sighting: *%^$ Minnesota
Number of Witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Upside-down Pyramid

Strange Sightings On My Birthday!

What are the odds of another pyramid shaped UFO showing up over the Kremlin on another significant date:this time on my 12/09/09-my birthday!

And a wormhole-like manifestation on the SAME DAY?

Astrologically Aligned To All This?

On 12/21/2009 David Sereda was interviewed on the Coast to Coast radio program. He spoke about things that really resonated with me which seemed very pertinent to my experiences and insights regarding 12/21/2012. He said that December 9th ( my birthday) was a pivotal day not just this year but in years past.

According to the standard 12 sign astrological charts I am Sagittarius and have a lot of Scorpio also. John Major Jenkins pointed out in one his video presentations that the Sagittarians arrow and The tail of Scorpio.....POINT DIRECTLY TO THE GALACTIC CENTER!! Wow!

Here is something even stranger!

One day a fellow coworker who studies astronomy referred to his astrological sign as Ophiuchus. When I told him my birth date, he said that I am Ophiuchus also!

According to Wikipedia:

“Ophiuchus is not included in standard astrological zodiacs, which divide the ecliptic into abstract 30-degree segments (implying exactly 12 signs) rather than using the physical constellations. However, a few astrologers using a sidereal zodiac use it as a zodiacal sign.”Note: Ophiuchus would be the 13th sign of the zodiac according to this system.

More from Wikipedia:

“Ophiuchus is a large constellation located around the celestial equator. Its name is Greek (Ὀφιοῦχος) for 'snake-holder', and it is commonly represented as a man grasping the snake that is represented by the constellation Serpens. Ophiuchus was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations. It was formerly referred to as Serpentarius, a Latin word meaning the same as its current name.”

"Ophiuchus is depicted as a man grasping a serpent; the interposition of his body divides the snake constellation Serpens into two parts, Serpens Caput and Serpens Cauda, which are nonetheless counted as one constellation. Specifically, if you were to draw a line from the tip of sagittarius' arrow, to the top of scorpio's tail, and draw a line, it would go through the exact center of our galaxy, with Ophiuchus just there, and a bit above perhaps.”

Wow.! Another reference to serpents! John Major Jenkins also said that Ophiuchus was referred to by the Mayans as the guardian of the galactic center. What are the odds that I would also be astrologically aligned to all this?

A Brief Summary

In 1977 I had a spiritual death experience and afterward I drew a symbol of the Galactic Center.

In 1984 I began to notice synchronicities which revolved around the numbers 12,21,22,212,221 & 222 in various combinations.

As time passed I added elements to the symbol which to my surprise turned out to represent when the December Solstice Sun aligns with the Galactic Center on 12/21/2012.

The appearance of my significant numbers increase as time passes, and the way they come up at times can easily be classified as “high strangeness”

Many times I have raised my arms to the sky and asked: What are you trying to tell me? What am I supposed to do with all this? Why is all this happening to me?

I resist believing that a stargate is going to open up on 12/21/2012 and enlightened beings or a group of enlightened beings referred to as “Starwalkers” will emerge from it. But I cannot rule this out as a possibility.

It is odd that I chose my blogger screen name as Starwalker years before I had learned about any of this? Then I had a dream in which a voice gave me some letters and their corresponding words. Then the voice said “ It is not who you are; it is what you are!” Years later I asked a Native American Medicine man to translate the words into Lakota language. The last two words were : Wicahpi Mani which means: Star Walks!

Lately these incidents seem to be pointing to the Galactic Center,Serpent Ropes, Worm Holes, and Stargates. What really drove this home was the following video.

Pakal Sarcophagous Lid

John Major Jenkins points out here that the Mayan Shamans journeyed into the Galactic Center to gather information.

There seems to be no question that I am somehow connected to the Galactic Center and that there is something significant about the alignment with the December solstice sun on 2012. But what?

There is an awful lot of information out there regarding 12/21/2012 which I neither believe nor disbelieve, for I know that the truth will survive my skepticism.

To be continued….

Wormholes, Stargates i.e. Portals to other worlds

I once had an experience in 1993 which could very well fall into this category. My life at that time was purely focused on studying and practicing shamanism. My friend Sam and I were planning on doing a medicine journey in sacred area near where I used to live.

Prior to leaving, I did a shamanic journey in order to contact a spirit guide for instructions on what we should do. In this journey I met a dwarf that resembled a leprechaun. He was embracing a large cauldron that was filled with dirt. He did not say a word, but I intuited that what he meant was for us to carry a container for us to collect dirt from places that seemed significant to us.

When we arrived at my medicine circle. I literally fell to my knees when I saw a hole to the left of the center rock (altar)of the circle. I was so affected by this because I had seen this hole in a dream a day or so before and it matched the dream perfectly. I realized at that point that it would be appropriate to collect some dirt from around this hole .

After a brief ceremony in the circle we decided to journey onward. Soon I began to have an overwhelming sense of familiarity with the area. It was as if I had spent much of my time there in nighttime dreams. I seemed to know the place better than I could have under ordinary circumstances. I had an indescribable sensation that made me stop dead in my tracks. Then I pulled out my flashlight and pointed it at my feet and to my surprise there was another small hole in the ground. Again it seemed appropriate to collect dirt from around the hole and place it in our containers. I continued to find these holes in the same way with a precision that transcends mere coincidence. ( this “ability” continued for years afterward)

At one point I felt like I was speaking with an authority that was clearly not my own. I don’t recall exactly what I was saying but I clearly remember saying “ there is a dwarf who lives in these woods and I think I know where he lives.”

While we were walking on the side of a hill, the bottom of my walking stick/staff went into a small hole. Immediately I began to feel an immense amount of energy coursing through it and into me. At the time Sam was at the bottom of the hill by a creek. I said “Uh…..Sam…..I think I found our spot!!!

We discovered that the hole was in the center of a small stump. We sat down next to it and I reached for my rattle with the intention of using it to do a shamanic journey through the hole. I was so overcome by the power of this place that I even surprised myself when I said “ I don’t know if I even dare do this!” I am not sure when I started to say this, but I kept repeating the words “we are to be visited” I had a powerful sense that we would be visited, perhaps by an extraterrestrial or something like that.

I took a few deep breaths and shook my rattle about 3 or 4 times and that is when another voice of authority overcame me. It seemed like me speaking, but I had an authority in my consciousness and in my voice that I had never experienced before. I or better yet “It” would speak briefly and pause, and in perfect synchronicity and owl would call out an almost supernatural hoot. Then this process would repeat and then a heron would let out a very loud shriek as if to exclaim an agreement with what this voice/presence was saying.

Sam would start to ask a question and “it” would finish the question and provide the answer and again an owl or heron would speak out in agreement. There sure seemed to be a telepathy between Sam and “it”. I felt as if we were surrounded by animals who were also participating in this unparalleled event. This kind of thing went on for about 2 hours and suddenly I/”it” stopped and said “ you have been visited” I opened my eyes and looked at Sam. He was looking at me in a most unusual way. I asked him: “ did I go somewhere?” With eyes as big as dinner plates Sam said : “ You became something else!” What I asked? Sam went on to inform me that I had transformed into a 3ft tall dwarf who seemed to be able to answer questions that he had not even vocalized yet.

He said that while all this was going on, the hill looked like it was filled with roots of energy and they all intersected at the stump with the hole in it. He said he told the dwarf that he looked like he was a node on one of those veins and the dwarf replied “ I am these veins.”

That was absolutely the most profound experiences of my life. It changed my view of the world in a dramatic way.

Was that hole a legitimate portal? I don’t know for sure, but it certainly was a source of transformational energy unlike anything I have ever experienced. Now there may be ordinary explanations to some of our experience but to that I say:

“There is an ordinary explanation to any non-ordinary event that is invalid, and there is a non-ordinary explanation for every ordinary event that is invalid.”

Explanations are merely the rational mind’s attempt to fit infinity into a warm and fuzzy finite box. Life is a mystery, and yet our rational mind takes that mystery and makes it ordinary just so it can be safe and comfortable in it’s world of illusion.

I recently had a dream where I became aware I was in a dream looking at a spirit being. I asked it: “ Are you real?” It responded “ Is your mind real? Is your imagination real? Are you real?” Then I said “ I just want to know what is real” It responded “ Therein lies your problem.” I did not know what to make of this answer until I thought about it for a while. What is REAL? When we agree that something is real it can be considered real. If reality as we know it is capable of being altered as in the dwarf experience then what? This reminds me of a quote from one of my mentors: “Perhaps calling it reality is our first mistake”

Then We Call It Reality (12/30/10)

We clothe the unspeakable with words that have limitations, and then force infinity into a finite box and call it’s contents reality. “


Back to my 2nd Question (12/31/10)

My second question was: Is it possible that all things are being orchestrated by a higher power/intelligence?

My answer to this is : How can it NOT be? The power of this orchestration is being demonstrated everywhere and at all times. This “orchestration” powers the sun, the stars, the wind, the plants, the animals etc. It is working inside of us at all times. It makes our heart beat, our blood flow, our hair to grow (or in my case fall to out!) : ^ )

To what degree does this orchestration control events in our lives? Are we in control of it, or is it in control of us? I would like to think that I am in control of my life, but I know full well that this could be an illusion. I know that my actions could be the result of me acquiescing to forces beyond my comprehension.

Would this “orchestration” have me do stupid things? I think I do stupid things on my own, and I think this happens when I fall out of intelligent cooperation. I know without question that when I am in intelligent cooperation; i.e. aligned with source, incredible things happen that I cannot personally take credit for. When someone asks me how did you do that? I say “I don’t do it, “it” does me!

I remember one night while gazing at clouds with my girlfriend. I suddenly pointed to one part of the sky and said “ Watch that part of the sky right there. Something very important is going to happen” Within a minute or so the clouds dissipated in a circular formation right where the moon was! Twenty minutes or so later I said “ It’s going to happen again” and the very same phenomena repeated exactly as before. Had I been asked at that time how I knew or how I did that, I would have said: “ I have no idea.”

This reminds of me a story from one of don Miguel Ruiz’s apprentices. I think they were in Peru and Miguel was standing on a mountain peak when suddenly he said “ look over there, fog is going to develop right there.” Sure enough, within a minute or so fog developed right where he was pointing! Later on he pointed to another spot and said “lightning is going to strike right there” and sure enough it did!

When his apprentices asked: “Miguel, how did you do that?” He replied: “ I don’t know, it is beyond knowledge.”

It really does not matter how these things happen, what matters is the fact that they do, and they seem to happen to people who devote a lot of their life to spiritual disciplines. I believe that any good spiritual discipline will teach you to be in intelligent cooperation with the powers that be and these powers have a way of making themselves known in unmistakable ways.

To be continued….

Stay “tuned”

Where Am I Going With All This? (1/01/11)

(Note: Some monitors may not show it but there are eight points around the sun in this photo)

First off I wanted to share examples of how my “reality” is so different from the norm. Why is this?

Some peoples explanation would be that I am just plain crazy. To them I say : I have never claimed to be sane! If being crazy brings magic and wonder to my life, then I choose crazy! I’ve tried being sane and it quite frankly it bores me! Waylon Jennings sang it quite well: “ I’ve always been crazy but it kept me from going insane!”

One of my teachers once said to me: “Do you know the difference between a madman and a mystic? The mystic knows who NOT to tell!”

My life was normal and I was technically “sane” until my experience in 1977. That experience either changed me and/or, it activated my magical side. When synchronicity entered my life in 1984 things began to change. Synchronicity has been one of my best teachers. It has shown me in rather miraculous ways, the interconnectedness and interrelatedness of all things.

In 1988 my friend Al introduced me to the books of Carlos Castaneda. One of the things that stood out to me was the idea of people having different energy configurations. According to Castaneda’s teacher don Juan Matus, most people have energy bodies that have two compartments. Some people can have up to four compartments. Those who have more than two compartments are called Naguals. The configuration of a Naguals luminous body allows them to shift their perception with greater ease and it allows them greater command over the energy fields at large.

If there is such a thing as a different energy body then I probably have one. It might explain a lot about the unique nature of my reality vs. “the norm”

So what does all this have to do with 12/21/2012? As far as I know I have never chosen to see these number combination's. I never intended to create a symbol that pegs the date, and I never asked to be a messenger or any such thing, and yet it seems that my whole life has unfolded in such a way so as to teach me about certain mysteries. 12/21/2012 is one of them whether I like it or not!

On 12/07/07 I had a very unusual dream. I dreamed I was fishing with a high school classmate and he had just reeled in a small Northern Pike. He was laughing out loud in a silly way as if he was proud of this tiny little fish. I said “ Oh yeah….? WATCH THIS!!”

I cast my line out and within seconds my bobber took a quick dive under. I set the hook and suddenly my line went limp. Suddenly we could see my “catch” coming directly at us on shore. It was about a 12ft long black alligator! We started running uphill immediately when this alligator came right out of the water in hot pursuit of us!

When we reached the top of the hill we realized that the gator must have returned to the water. I looked at the end of my line and was shocked to see the skin of the alligator was still on my hook! It’s skin was black and had dozens of eight-pointed stars all over it.

In John Major Jenkins book Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 he refers to an alligator as a cosmic monster that symbolizes the Milky Way! This is so interesting because of the eight-pointed stars on the gators skin.

In my symbology the eight-pointed star symbolizes the Galactic Center. So here is a dream where I am fishing and catch a living representation of the Milky Way that has symbols of the Galactic Center all over it. I was only left with the skin of the gator which seems to indicate that I have only caught the surface of the mystery of 12/21/2012. The real thing is still in that lake (which is a symbol of the unconscious.)

Perhaps the answer I seek is alive and well in the unconscious. I will pursue this monster in dreams and shamanic journey work. I will keep you all posted when anything develops.

Stay “Tuned”