Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Veil Between the Worlds
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
William Henry's article @ says
"In my 2005 presentation, Stargate 2012, I first offered my interpretation of the Mayan belief that a ‘cosmic sap’ would emerge from the sacred world tree in 2012. At sunrise on December 21, 2012 — for the first time in 26,000 years — the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic, describing in the sky a great cross of stars and planets. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life — a tree remembered in all the world’s spiritual traditions.
Author and Mayan ceremonial priest Carlos Barrios says this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration. This process has already begun, Mr. Barrios suggested. “Change is accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate.”
This cosmic sap of this sacred tree is called itz (pronounced ‘eats’, like Chitzen Itza), ‘the blessed substance’. Since the world tree is a symbol for a celestial event, specifically an alignment with the center of the Milky Way, I took a leap and proposed that this cosmic sap could be a high energy phenomena, such as a mystery sub atomic particle (sap), one as yet undiscovered that could change everything."
I wonder how powerful this energy phenomena might be! Could it be powerful enough to change the nature of our reality from 3D to the next level?
Continued on post above.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
"The Key"
William Henry’s Article @ Goes on to say:
“Two enormous, gamma-ray-emitting structures are bubbling out of the center of our galaxy. And astronomers have no idea what caused them. One possibility includes a particle jet from the super massive black hole at the galactic center. Another possible answer is that the gamma-ray bubbles are evidence of an ancient burst of star formation at the center of the galaxy. If a huge cluster of massive stars formed millions of years ago, the giants could now be dying together, creating an outbreak of supernovae. Some believe this increase in energy throughout our galaxy will have life changing effects on all of us and as we draw closer to 2012All the occult mysteries speak of a key that is required to unlock mystical secrets of enlightenment.
Specifically, the lost secret is about building a better human through the release of secretions from the astounding manufacturing plant of spiritual oils, the human brain. This oil or essence (called Christos) was the key secret of Mary Magdalene and the Essenes.
The skull is a protective box for the brain, eyes and hearing organs. It is the Cup of Life, the Holy Grail, that catches these secretions from the brain. Without “the key” vibrating in our brains and radiating throughout our bodies no one can gain the higher knowledge of the gods.”
This “key” comes through the Sun, but may originate in the galactic center.
I had a profound spiritual death experience in 1977
Afterward I was compelled to draw a symbol that represented the source of all things.See Post Below
The Dream of Unity
I did not know it at the time, but the Mayans believed the source of everything in the local universe came from a black hole in the center of the Milky Way. (It is interesting to note that we have only known of the existence of this black hole for about 100 years, yet they knew it long before we did.) Oddly, my symbol represents the Galactic Center.
Now I cannot prove that I somehow journeyed to the Galactic Center during my death experience but why would I draw this symbol if I didn’t?
“ The Key” that William refers to that may originate from the Galactic Center and release an essence called Christos which opens one up to higher knowledge is very significant to me for many reasons.
In 1977 I clearly remember experiencing eternity in the present moment. It was in that moment that I felt very Christ-like. Even though I was fairly immature at that age, I was experiencing a certain wisdom that seemed to come directly from the source. I recall resonating with what Jesus once said: “ The father and I are one”. Had I known then what I know now, I would have said “ The Source and I are one”. It would be accurate to say that the Christ within me was fully awakened and alive.
Having had this experience myself, I can empathize with schizophrenics who actually believe(d) they are/were Jesus. I find it so strange that our western culture diagnoses this as a sign of illness. The experiencer's are even given a modern day crucifixion by being strapped to a table on all four limbs. They are then force- fed drugs and given “therapy” which is designed to separate them from the experience and identification of their own inner Christ.
Is it possible that the spiritual goal of human experience is to fully experience the Christ within? Is it possible that the return of Christ may involve everyone opening up to a powerful and transformative experience such as this? Is it possible that the energy that initiates this experience originates from the Galactic Center and is transmitted through the sun? Is it possible that the Galactic Alignment on 12/21/2012 causes this energy to intensify to unprecedented levels causing the end of the world?
The dream of separation sees “the end of the world” as death, destruction and the end of it all. The dream of unity could see “the end of the world” as a new beginning, a rebirth, a return of the Christ within us all.